THE GEM IS THE future of preserving egypt’s GLORIOUS past
An independent information resource about the new GEM of Egypt.
GrandEgyptianMuseum.org is an independently run informational site about the GEM intended to provide much-needed updates for the public on the GEM’s status, news, progress, and announcements about its anticipated opening date.
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Feature #1:
Fun Facts about the GEM
When it is completed, the Grand Egyptian Museum just outside of Cairo on the Giza Plateau (and next door to the Pyramids) will not only be the new crown jewel of Egypt, but it will also be one of the largest, most modern, and most renowned museums in the entire world. Read more…
Feature #2:
The GEM’s Historic Timeline
From the laying of the corner stone to the awarding of design contracts to the outbreak of the Arab Spring to dips in tourism causing financial woes to the near completion of the project today, learn more about the journey of the GEM from concept to architectural masterpiece. Read more…
Feature #3:
Discover more about Egypt
For truly helpful information, insight, tips, recommendations, reviews, and advice to tourists on traveling to and around Egypt from an independent but highly experienced perspective, check out our sister EgyptTravelBlog.com and the Egypt Travel Podcast. Read more…

GEM Soft Opening
The Grand Egyptian Museum is now in an an advanced soft opening phase in which visitors can experience MOST completed areas of the museum, including nearly all artifact galleries and exhibition halls, excluding the King Tut galleries.